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Greenacres Primary Academy

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Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator is Mrs Wendy Khan. If you would like to contact Mrs Khan, our school number is 0161 770 5350 and her email address is wendy.khan@greenacres-academy.org.

Mrs Khan is based in school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 


Please use the website below to direct you to Oldham Council's SEND offer. 



Click on the image to be taken to the website...

POINT aspire to an inclusive community and society without compromise, where all children and young people with additional needs and/or disabilities are treated equally and fairly.

POINT's mission is to ensure that our work with families:

  • Delivers person centered support which enable improved outcomes and opportunities for children and young people and their families.
  • Promotes an inclusive society through the development of co-production and partnership working.
  • Empowers parents, children and young people by developing their confidence, resilience and knowledge.
  • Deliver a culture of peer support to reduce social isolation.


Special Educational Needs and Disability, Information, Advice, Support Services (SENDIASS) are statutory services which provide information, advice and support to parents and carers of children and young people who have, or may have, special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities; and young people themselves (16+).

Our Service is FREE of charge and is operated independently of the Local Authority by POINT. This means that we can provide impartial information, advice and support, which will focus on the needs of the child or young person.


Disabled Access

Disabled access to the Academy is from the main entrance. There is a disabled parking space, a disabled toilet at the main entrance and lifts on all flights of stairs. If you have any further questions or requirements, please contact Mrs Hilton at the Academy prior to your visit so we can make any reasonable adjustment that you may require.

Annual Reports

Annual SEND report


Termly SEND Breakdown








South Pennine Academies

At South Pennine Academies, we want every student to have the best possible chance to achieve in school. Stronger partnerships with families, local businesses, community agencies and universities are essential as we focus on improving student outcomes.

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