School Dinners
Universal Infant Free School Meals
Since September 2014 all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 in state-funded schools in England have been offered a free school meal (FSM). The aim is to improve academic attainment and save families money – over the course of a year the average family spends £437 on school lunches per child.
Unless your child is in receipt of a free school meals then the cost is £2.40 per day. As we are a cashless school, any money for school meals is paid to school via parent pay. For more information on parent pay please follow the link on the top right hand corner of the home page. If you think your child may be eligible for free school meals please click on the following link for more information or ask at the School office:
How to apply for Free School Meals
Packed Lunches
We encourage our children to make healthy food choices and ask that packed lunches are reflected as such. Our School Council have been working on a new initiative to encourage our children to bring in healthy lunches and they have been sending out lots of letters as well as sample recipes to inspire our children and parents to make healthy choices. We also have a new 'Healthy Lunchbox Policy' - please click on the following link to view it:
If you decide to send a packed lunch for your child, please make sure you send a healthy and nutritious lunch and take care to avoid nuts. Packed lunches are monitored daily and slips will be sent home with your child if they bring something in which we consider to be unhealthy however rewards will also be handed out to celebrate the healthy choices made. Please see our policy called 'healthy lunchbox policy' for more information.
Changes to meal pattern
Please contact our office to let us know if there are any changes to your child's normal pattern of meals. Please note that we ask for at least a week's notice if your child want to change from a school dinner to a packed lunch or vice versa.
We always encourage our children to feel positive about their family, their culture and their faith and whilst we recognise that fasting is not compulsory before the ages of puberty in Islam, we understand that children are often encouraged to fast or indeed wish to fast to prepare them for adulthood. We do not encourage our younger children to fast. A letter will always be sent out before Ramadan and parents will be asked to confirm in writing if they wish their child to fast for all or part of the month. Please see our section on 'fasting in term time' for more information on our policies.
Lunchtimes are at the following times:
Reception: 11.30am to 12.30pm
Years 1 to 6: 12 noon to 1pm
Children may have either a school meal or bring a packed lunch. School dinners are currently £2.40 per day.
School Meals
Since September 2023, we use Caterlink for our school catering. For more information on the service they provide please click on the following link: